Only as the last few days of 2009 draw to a close have I been able to not think about the H1N1 Novel Swine (or whatever other name you want to call it) Flu. It has occupied my every waking hour much of the past four months, as you can tell by the fact that I had to suspend one of my favorite passtimes, my blogging.

Much has been learned in these past four months, mostly about how hard it is to get to the truth and to know who can and can't be trusted to be telling the truth. I will summarize what I have learned about influenza in a subsequent blog and try to tell the truth as I can decipher it.
To me the most important revelation of the H1N1 Flu was for me to learn that probably more than 2/3 - 3/4 of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D. This came to me in the way of literature about the influenza preventative effects of really good levels of Vitamin D3 and I was amazed to
find that there is a wealth of information about the importance of Vitamin D in an increasing number of human illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, arthritis, pain, and mental illnesses.

I will also soon into the new year of 2010 add a blog about Vitamin D and it's many benefits.
Once I am done talking about the Swine Flu and Vitamin D on Crisco, etc, we can continue with the history of my life, a subject that is far less serious and a lot more relaxing.
Happy New Year!