The Panic Swine came and went. (almost, except there was an attempt to use the "panic" to sell the 2010 flu vaccine because it contained H1N1)

Lala turned 65 and now qualifies for social security and medicare if she chooses.

I had a 6th double same digit birthday and began walking every single day.
Spencer turned 6 and started kindergarten.

Owen turned 3 and started preschool.

Vanessa survived a severe auto accident with only four broken fingers.

Michael's pediatric dental practice continued to become busier and he is now open four days a week in his own office.

Sammy's sister Vicki survived triple negative breast cancer and now has very curly hair.

We spent our 32nd summer vacation at the Alisal Ranch near Solvang.

Sea View Pediatrics added our 10th doctor and in early 2011 will open our fourth (and presumably last) office in Irvine. Everyone in our family continues to take Vitamin D and to believe that it is very important for our long-term health.
We ended the year with our largest Thanksgiving in West Virginia at Vanessa's (attended by all of us and Vera's sister and our niece Shannon and her family) and our largest Christmas gathering in California with Sammy's mother, her sister Olivia and her sister Vicki and family from Houston.
We fully realize that many others will not remember 2010 as a good year and we are thankful that ours was so positive. We are very thankful and appreciate each and every day.