It seems like a year ago blogging was easier - there was more time!
Then came the Swine Panic of 09, then came Vitamin D and then losing a pound per year of age and Raw Food. All these projects have consumed immense amounts of time, but they have added immense amounts of information that I hope with good nutrition will remain retrievable for the last third of my life (that would take me to 99). I recently realized that if I am to see my grandchildren get married (considering the fact that successful young people these days don't seem to reproduce till mid 30s), I have to last that long. So that is my intention!
I am not spending as much time on the influenza these days, but the CDC has just recommended that everyone from 6 months to the grave get a flu shot. And they are recommending that all people over 65 hurry and get it even earlier this year (even though they have good evidence that it really doesn't change the number of older people who get the flu!). So the propaganda continues and can you imagine how much money the vaccine companies will make giving every person in the U.S. over 6 months old a flu shot?

Vitamin D continues to be important news and the number of physicians who are measuring levels in their patients continues to grow.
The important level to attain is somewhere close to 60 to be preventative against "late-onset" illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.

The ability to reach a protective level is related to where you live, how much time you spend outside between 10a.m. and 2p.m. without sunscreen (blocks Vitamin D) and the amount of pigment in your skin by genetic origin.

Even in sunny California, 1/3 of my five year-olds have had insufficient vitamin D levels!
Vitamin D testing is now available on the internet to anyone who wishes to know their level. The Vitamin D Council has made an arrangement with ZRT labs to provide testing for as little as $55 per test (group of 4 price).
We can get Vitamin D by sun exposure (without sunscreen) or by supplementation. The amount of Vitamin D in adult and prenatal vitamins is only 400iu, which is enough for a new baby. As Dr. Reinhold Vieth from Toronto says, "Do the math!" And the amount of Vitamin D in our food is very insignificant.

Regarding Raw, I have achieved half my goal of losing a pound per age and am finding that I feel much better, I am discarding clothes by the week and I am delaying getting my new Droid phone until I reach 210 lbs which will be 40 lbs off and almost 2/3 of the way! If anyone would like raw food information, I have tons.
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